Here are some troubleshooting steps to try if your Countdown Color Timer isn't working:
- Have you tried new batteries? Please double-check that your batteries are not expired.
- Are you using the right kind of batteries? The Countdown Color Timer takes one AA alkaline battery. It does not take rechargeable lithium batteries.
- Did you install the batteries correctly? The positive end of the battery should face the (+) sign in the battery compartment, and the negative side of the battery should face the (-) sign in the battery compartment.
Please note that the Countdown Color Timer doesn't make an audible ticking noise, but you will see movement on the color wheel as it counts down. You'll hear a beeping noise when the timer goes off. You can adjust the switch on the back to your desired volume setting.
Still not working? Reach out to our Customer Experience Team with proof of purchase and we can help you get back to playtime in no time!